News Updates

11 June, 2024

Omar delivered an invited talk on multiphoton quantum imaging at DICU 2024!

2 May, 2024

Congraulations to Mingyuan for winning the LSU Russel family graduate student award!

30 April, 2024

Congratulations to Fatemeh for defending her Ph.D.  thesis "Multiphoton quantum sensing". 

29 February, 2024

Our paper entitled "Nonclassical near-field dynamics of surface plasmons" has been published in Nature Physics

The illustration shows a light beam exciting plasmonic waves on the surface of a metallic nanostructure. These are then scattered by a slit to produce multiparticle systems with specific quantum properties. Our manuscript describes the quantum dynamics behind this process.

2 February, 2024

Our recent quantum plasmonics paper was just accepted for publication in Nature Physics! Congrats to Mingyuan, Riley, Ben, Chenglong and Omar!

15 December, 2023

Omar and Chenglong received a patent for the invention of the smart quantum light detector.

22 September, 2023

Omar gave an invited talk at the Instituto de Fisica, UNAM.

21 September, 2023

Omar gave an invited talk at the Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM

14 September, 2023

Omar gave an invited talk at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.

6 September, 2023

Dr. Chenglong You gave talk for the undergraduate students in Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Alabama in Huntsville.

2 August, 2023

Congratulations to Mingyuan Hong and co-workers for the new paper accepted in Laser & Photonics Reviews (IF:11.0)!

2 August, 2023

We are part of a three-year program on Quantum Computing supported by NSF!

4 July, 2023

Omar delivered an invited talk on macroscopic quantum interference at PIERS Prague 2023.

23 June, 2023

Congratulations to Fatemeh for getting the travel award to present her work at CLEO!

1 May, 2023

Congratulations to Chenglong, Ashe, Roberto, and Omar for their new paper accepted for publication in Nature's Quantum Information!

28 April, 2023

Omar received early promotion to Associate Professor with tenure. 

30 January, 2023

We are part of a DOE Quantum Horizons program for the quantum simulation of nuclear physics.

25 October, 2022

Omar was invited to talk about smart high-dimensional encryption at the Instituto de Investigacion en Comunicacion Optica.

10 October, 2022

Dr. Chenglong You is invited to present a talk on "Multiphoton superresolving quantum cameras" at SPIE Photonics West 2023! 

12 August, 2022

We thank DOE for renewing our research program on quantum simulation.

12 August, 2022

We are part of an NSF Expand-QISE program with the University of Texas, and the University of California.

18 July, 2022

Our work on smart quantum statistical imaging has been published in Nature's Quantum Information (IF:10.75)!

16 July, 2022

Omar was invited to speak at the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS), India.

10 June, 2022

We thank the Army Research Office for supporting our Early Career Program (ECP) on "Quantum Control of Multiphoton Dynamics using Light-Matter Interactions in Nanoscale Systems".

21 May, 2022

Congratulations to Michelle Lollie for defending her Ph.D thesis, "Advanced Communication and Sensing Protocols using Twisted Light and Engineered Quantum Statistics". She is the first Black woman graduating from our Physics Department!

6 May, 2022

Omar was invited to speak at the Congreso Nacional de Fisica 2022.

11 May, 2022

Omar delivered an invited talk at the National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics (INAOE).

6 April, 2022

We thank NSF for supporting our EAGER program devoted to the development of Smart single-pixel quantum statistical imaging beyond the Abbe-Rayleigh criterion. 

10 March, 2022

Congratulations to Nathan for defending his Ph.D thesis, "New Aspects of Optical Coherence and their Potential for Quantum Technologies".

21 December, 2021

We thank CISCO for supporting our research on adaptive high-dimensional quantum cryptography in optical fibers.

1 Nov, 2021

Michelle passed her General Exam! Congratulations Michelle!

22 October, 2021

President Tate and Dean Peterson visited the Quantum Photonics Lab.

23 September, 2021

Congratulations to Chenglong You, Mingyuan Hong, and Omar Magana for their new paper accepted for publication in Applied Physics Reviews!

9 September, 2021

Omar was invited to speak at CLEO 2022.

1 September, 2021

Omar was invited to speak at the APS March Meeting 2022.

13 August, 2021

Congratulations to Chenglong You, Mingyuan Hong, Narayan Bhusal, Joshua Fabre, Fatemeh Mostafavi and Omar Magana for their new paper accepted for publication in Nature Communications!

15 June, 2021

Congrats to Joshua Fabre for receiving LSUDiscover summer research grant. He will work on real time quantum imaging in the Quantum Photonics Laboratory focusing on single photon sources plus intensified CCD, & combine them to achieve versatile high efficiency quantum imaging.

10 June, 2021

Congratulations to Narayan for accepting a postdoctoral postion at NIST Boulder!

20 May, 2021

Mingyuan passed his General Exam! Congratulations Mingyuan!

23 March, 2021

Nathan passed his General Exam! Congratulations Nathan!

22 March, 2021

U.S. Army DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory featured our work, "Spatial Mode Correction of Single Photons using Machine Learning", on their news release!!! The work was also featured on the cover page of the journal, Advanced Quantum Technologies. Check out the video posted on Media Coverage.

18 March, 2021

Omar was invited to speak at Photonics North 2021. He will be delivering a talk on smart quantum technologies with photons.

22 February, 2021

Congratulations to Narayan Bhusal! he is a doctor now!!! He successfully defended his Ph.D thesis, "Smart Quantum Technologies using Photons".  Narayan is the first Doctor from our group!

5 February, 2021

Congratulations to Narayan, Chenglong, Mingyuan, Josh and Omar! Our paper has been published in Advanced Quantum Technologies and selected for the front Cover of the journal!!! 

We will post the cover!

26 November, 2020

Omar delivered an invited talk about Smart Quantum Technologies at the Universidad Autonoma de Baja California.

11 November, 2020

Omar was invited to speak at the ECE Colloquium at the University of Texas at Austin. He talked about Multiphoton Quantum Systems for Robust Quatum Technologies.

14 October, 2020

Our group received funding from the LSU Leveraging Innovation for Technology Transfer!

5 August, 2020

Our LSU Team was Awarded NSF Major Research Instrumentation Grant.

11 June, 2020

Our group received funding from the Office of Basic Energy Sciences within the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science!

2 April, 2020

Congratulations to Chenglong You, Aidan Lambert, and Narayan Bhusal!!! Our paper on Identification of Light Sources using Machine Learning has been accepted for publication in Applied Physics Reviews (IF:17.054)!

26 February, 2020

Congratulations to Chenglong You for his accepted paper in Nanophotonics!

16 January, 2020

Omar was invited to speak at the Bristol Quantum Information Technologies Workshop, 27-29 April 2020. 

28 October 2019,

Omar was invited to deliver a talk  on Robust Multiphoton Quantum Technologies at the 86th Annual Meeting of the APS Southeastern Section, Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina.

17 October, 2019

Our paper on Quantum Imaging and Information was accepted for publication in Reports on Progress in Physics.

16 October, 2019

Thank you to the LSU Discover Program for supporting Aidan's first presentation at a national optics conference

26 September, 2019,

Based on his excellent presentation at Frontiers in Optics, Chenglong You has been selected as the winner of the Emil Wolf Outstanding Paper Competition!!! Congratulations Chenglong!!!

5 September, 2019,

Our paper on quantum state engineering of multiphoton states was accepted for publication in Nature-NPJ Quantum Information.

26 August, 2019,

Aidan was a guest speaker in Mrs. Fink's sixth grade science class at Runnels, presenting demonstrations and PowerPoint slides on potential and kinetic energy, torque and momentum, and properties of light. Aidan was inspired to pursue physics in Mrs. Fink's class and is grateful for the chance to both captivate students with science and thank Mrs. Fink for the role she played in his development.

23 August, 2019,

Dr. Cynthia Peterson, the Dean of the College of Science, visited our lab today!!!

07 July, 2019,

Congratulations to Chenglong You! His experimental paper entitled "Multiphoton quantum metrology without pre- and post-selected measurements" was selected as a finalist in the Emil Wolf Outstanding Paper Competition at Frontiers in Optics 2019.

27 June, 2019,

Congratulations to Narayan Bhusal! His work on "Artificial Neural Networks for Turbulence Correction of Structured Light" was accepted as a talk at Frontiers in Optics 2019.

14 July, 2019,

Aidan Lambert presented his experimental work on Light Identification using Artificial Neural Networks in the LSU conference for Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) (SURF) Summer Undergraduate Research Forum.

6 February, 2023

Omar delivered a talk for Cisco about Quantum dynamics of multiphoton systems for optical communication.